The Easter bunny left an unwanted surprise inside a present for a toddler in Otis, Ore. on Sunday when the family found three bags of marijuana inside...

Marijuana Legalization Effort Gears Up in Italy
An effort to legalize marijuana is getting underway in the Italian parliament, with some 60 lawmakers having signed onto a motion to do just that by t...

World Cannabis Week Returns to Denver
Billed as being the “World’s Largest Legal Cannabis Celebration,” the annual World Cannabis Week will be returning to Denver this coming April. The ev...

Willie Nelson Planning to Open Marijuana Dispensaries Across United States
Ask Willie Nelson about his love of marijuana and he will likely direct you to his memoir, the awesomely titled Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die: Mu...

16,000 Marijuana Plants to be Given Out in Washington D.C.
The District is about to witness a massive, public drug deal on Thursday — and for those involved, it will be quite a bargain. Over 800 people have co...

Ohio May Legalize Marijuana This Year
A group is gathering signatures to amend the state’s constitution so that Ohioans can legally consume marijuana for medical and recreational use...

Test Finds Marijuana Far More Potent Than it used To Be
Today’s marijuana is more potent by far than the weed sold a generation ago, according to new data being presented Monday at the national meetin...

Momentum Growing to Legalize Medical Marijuana in NC
About 150 people turned out Thursday to lobby state lawmakers to legalize medical marijuana, marking the largest turnout in years. Even supporters of ...

The Five States Who Could Legalize Marijuana Next
On Friday, Nevada lawmakers adjourned without voting on a petition submitted by residents to legalize marijuana and regulate it like alcohol. That mea...

Rare Chance For Northern Lights Tonight
According to scientists with the National Weather Service Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC), disruptions with GPS mapping (including on cell phon...