Medical marijuana is being used to treat the autoimmune disease Systemic Lupus Ertyhematosus, which is when the body starts attacking itself for some ...

10 of the Strongest Marijuana Strains Ever Tested
Weed surely isn’t what it used to be. The days of dirt from Mexico are far behind us thankfully. The care that goes in to growing these days is ...

Virginia Republican Rep Introduces Bill To End Federal Marijuana Prohibition
A freshman Republican representative from Virginia introduced legislation this week that would end the federal prohibition on marijuana use and allow ...

Trump Administration Signals A Possible Crackdown On States Over Marijuana
The White House on Thursday put states that have legalized recreational-use marijuana on notice that federal law enforcement agents could be targeting...

Historic Election For Marijuana
Voters in California, Massachusetts and Nevada approved recreational marijuana initiatives Tuesday night, and several other states passed medical mari...

Germany Set To Legalize Medical Marijuana
Cannabis will be available to seriously ill German patients on prescription in drug stores and its use may be covered by medical insurance, German Hea...

Which is Worse, Alcohol or Pot? A Doctor Chimes In
Worrying about teen drinking and drug use has kept many a parent up at night. With marijuana becoming increasingly available and legal in some parts o...

Study Reveals Marijuana Greatly Reduced Pain of Multiple Sclerosis
Marijuana may ease painful symptoms of multiple sclerosis, a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal in May suggests. Jody Corey-B...

Hillary Clinton Calls For Federal Reclassification of Cannabis
Hillary Clinton, 68, has been carefully stepping around the subject of cannabis, presumably for fear of getting on the wrong side of supporters. Howev...

First Ever Marijuana TV Ad Pulled Before Going Live
The cannabis company Neos was all set to make history with a TV commercial for a marijuana product, the first-ever on U.S. television. The spot was to...