In a surprise move, Puerto Rico’s Governor Alejandro GarcĂa Padilla signed an executive order legalizing the use of medical marijuana in the U.S...

Teen Demands Right to use Medical Marijuana in New Jersey School
The Genny Barbour who would arrive at school was docile, attentive and pleasant. The Genny Barbour who would step off the bus at the end of the day wa...

Colorado Governor Now Says Legalized Marijuana Helping State’s Fiscal Health
Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper seems to be softening his anti-pot stance. The Democratic governor recently told Fox Business Network that the issue i...

New York Begins to Accept Medical Marijuana Applications
New York State has begun accepting applications for its medical marijuana licenses this week. Applicants can submit questions through May 5th and the ...

Key Alabama Senator says Medical Marijuana Bill isn’t Dead
After receiving dozens of emails and phone calls from medical marijuana proponents, a key Alabama senator says the bill isn’t necessarily dead. ...

51% Support Legalizing Marijuana says FOX News Poll
For the first time ever, a FOX News poll has found a majority of respondents in favor of legalizing marijuana. The poll, released late last week, foun...

Texas Medical Marijuana Bills to be Heard by House Panel Today
Texans suffering from chronic pain, seizures and other debilitating disorders will ask lawmakers Tuesday to support legislation that would allow them ...

Ohio Students Create The “Cannibuster”
Two Ohio graduate students have invented a device that will allow law enforcement officers to determine whether motorists have used marijuana. Ttwo bi...

Washington State Medical Marijuana Policy Set to Change
Washington Governor Jay Inslee on Friday signed a bill that will overhaul the state’s medical marijuana market, reconciling the long unregulated...

Texas To Legalize Marijuana?
Cannabis legislation is popping up like seedlings in states across the nation because public opinion polls show most Americans support the decriminali...