World of Seeds Afghan Kush Ryder is a result of numerous experiments that had been carried out to create new, strong and potential marijuana strains. The famous feminized seed of Afghan Kush was back crossed with a Ruderalis and gave a start to Afghan Kush Ryder.
This 100% indica hybrid instantly became a favourite on international cannabis markets for her easy growing qualities and high narcotic abilities, some of which are incredible medical values. Afghan Kush marijuana strain has strong hashish smell so popular amongst marijuana smokers. Her hardwood sweet taste combined with a very narcotic effect (THC – 21.6%) makes her one of our bestsellers.
Being a auto-flowering marijuana, Afghan Kush Rydergrows from a feminized cannabis seed flower in response to age rather than light cycle. She will grow vegetative for approximately 14 days then enter into a rapid, almost violent flowering period. For the next 55 days, she will branch out profusely, throw out pistils in their thousands, calyxes will swell and a coating of resin glands will make the mature plant glisten as if dusted with fine cannabis diamonds. Being quite petite, Afghan Kush Ryder automatic remains a great yielder, producing as much as 150-200 gr. per m2 when grown indoors.
The cross with a ruderalis also means that Afghan Kush Ryder feminized cannabis seeds can be grown virtually anywhere with the high tolerance to such risks as mould and pests. Balconies, patios, window boxes, indoors or outdoors, this connoisseur grade seed is now attainable for every marijuana grower.
With a lifespan of a mere 55 days from seed to harvest, it is not only possible to get an early harvest of high quality marijuana but multiple harvests per season. GrowingAfghan Kush Ryder indoors recommends 20 hours of light daily throughout the cycle. She is happy to grow outdoors from as early as March with a harvest in May to return to a plant in June with a harvest in August. The increased height compared to earlier auto-flowering strains brings with it increased yield.
Ever smoke or grow World of Seeds Afghan Kush Ryder? Tell us about it in a comment below!