Washington Governor Jay Inslee on Friday signed a bill that will overhaul the state’s medical marijuana market, reconciling the long unregulated...

First Genetically Modified Marijuana Strain Created by Masanto
Monsanto, the multi-billion agribusiness giant, has announced today it has patented the first genetically modified strain of marijuana. The news that ...

Marijuana Kills Cancer Cells Government Funded Research Confirms
The US government may be starting to officially recognize medicinal benefits of marijuana, as a government-funded research group has released a report...

Whoopi Goldberg Voices Medical Marijuana Support
Whoopi Goldberg announced that she only smokes marijuana these days for medical purposes, and she said that children should be able to use the drug fo...

16,000 Marijuana Plants to be Given Out in Washington D.C.
The District is about to witness a massive, public drug deal on Thursday — and for those involved, it will be quite a bargain. Over 800 people have co...

Test Finds Marijuana Far More Potent Than it used To Be
Today’s marijuana is more potent by far than the weed sold a generation ago, according to new data being presented Monday at the national meetin...

Smell of Marijuana in the New York City Air
You might not see people smoking pot out in the open but ever since New York loosened its laws on marijuana in late 2014, but more people have been no...

Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Likely to be Approved this Spring says PA Senator
Three U.S. senators – Rand Paul (R/KY), Kirsten Gillibrand (D/NY), and Corey Booker (D/NJ) — introduced a bill on Tuesday that could relax the federal...

National Medical Marijuana Bill Introduced to Congress
Three U.S. senators are expected to introduce a bill into Congress Tuesday that would legalize medical marijuana nationwide, a move advocates of marij...

Marijuana Safer Than ‘Every Other Medicine’ Says Doctor
Dr. Michael Hart of London, Ontario is one of a few physicians in Canada that have chosen to voice their support for medical marijuana. Under a new na...