Martian Mean Green’s mother is a resinous, stable cross of Great White Shark and notorious Rastafarian reefer, Jamaican Lamb’s Bread. The papa comes from the deepest roots of the seed business – Neville is the man who in the late 1980s brought the Real G13 to his “C” Haze male, which is one of the major building blocks for many of the haze strains today.
Martian Mean Green is a hybrid indica / sativa with a slight leaning toward the sativa side. This combination makes for a ahze-like smoke with an upbeat but not harsh or speedy stone. This variety has yet to be tested in an outdoor grow, but indoors, she takes 9-10 weeks to finish. Outdoor and greenhouse cultivation should also work well with this versatile strain.
The strength of this variety is that she will grow well under heat, and thrive in the cold. DNA Genetics prefers to grow organically in soil, and tries to spread the good word about the quality of organic grows. It is possible for the beginner to get a connoisseur grow on the first time out with Martian Mean green. However, fertilizers are a matter of personal choice, just be sure to flush plants in the last few weeks of flwering.
Martian mean green averages 3 feet of height at the beginning of flowering, and usually adds only 1-2 feet before finishing. Average yields are in the neighborhood of 100 grmas per plant. If you want to avoid a 3-4 weeks vegetative period and instead plant 20-25 plants per square meter, yields will be around 400-600 grams per square meter. her buds look fairly loose in formation, but upon further inspection are not as loose as many typical sativas.
As this dark green plant moves from the vegetative to the flowering pahse, her piney smell graduates from noticeable to really stinking up the place. Martian Mean Green’s mega-smell is out of this world and definitely requires requires distant neighbors and precautionary measures.
When smoked, her intense odor – fruity sweet, minty and piney, with adistinct haze edge – refreshes your senses, while her strong instant rush achieves flying saucer escape velocity. The Martian is apower stone – a fast start followed by a long sustained high. Once in orbit, you will find yourself supremely stoned yet not sleepy, seeing life on earth as a carton filled with silly insights and unexpected laughs. No paranoia here – this strain is recommended for relief of anxiety and stress. Martian weed has no burn-out factor, making it a steady companion over time.
Ever smoke or grow martian mean green? Tell us about it in a comment below!