Texas state lawmakers introduced legislation Friday that would allow patients with cancer, seizure disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and othe...

Smell of Marijuana in the New York City Air
You might not see people smoking pot out in the open but ever since New York loosened its laws on marijuana in late 2014, but more people have been no...

Marijuana Legalization Ballot Initiative Planned in Michigan
A statewide marijuana legalization ballot initiative is planned for 2016 that aims to allow residents to cultivate their own plants and allow other us...

Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Likely to be Approved this Spring says PA Senator
Three U.S. senators – Rand Paul (R/KY), Kirsten Gillibrand (D/NY), and Corey Booker (D/NJ) — introduced a bill on Tuesday that could relax the federal...

Marijuana Safer Than ‘Every Other Medicine’ Says Doctor
Dr. Michael Hart of London, Ontario is one of a few physicians in Canada that have chosen to voice their support for medical marijuana. Under a new na...

Survey Shows Majority of Americans Now Support Marijuana Legalization
A majority of Americans support the legalization of marijuana for the first time in recent history, according to a new survey. Researchers asked 1,680...

NYPD Commissioner Blames Legal Marijuana in Colorado for Increase in New York Shootings
At a news conference Monday, New York Police Department commissioner Bill Bratton blamed a slight uptick in violence in the city (45 homicides at this...

Texas Lawmaker Files Bill to Legalize Marijuana
In Texas, a conservative lawmaker filed a bill to completely deregulate marijuana in the Lone Star State Monday, proposing to strike any mention of th...

DEA Warns of Stoned Rabbits in Utah
Utah is considering a bill that would allow patients with certain debilitating conditions to be treated with edible forms of marijuana. If the bill pa...

N.J. Marijuana Legalization Activists Plan ‘Spring Smoke-Out’
A coalition of groups advocating for marijuana legalization in New Jersey have announced plans for a “NJ Spring Smoke-Out” rally outside t...