There are several essential items it’s pretty hard to live without. We’ve listed the top 5 items we think every stoner should have at all times.
1. Marijuana – This is definitely the most obviously but yes, of course, every stoner needs weed. If you don’t have a dispensary close by or a marijuana man on speed dial – then you definitely should figure out how to get one, ASAP! A stoner’s good day can turn bad when they realize their stash has gone up in smoke. Our recommendation: Always have a backup stash or a good friend on speed-dial. Remember, sharing is caring…right?
2. Lighters – Probably the most lost and/or stolen item in the world. A true stoner should always have a few lighters on hand. Most of us have our favorites, but it’s always good to have some extra cheap ones on hand incase it gets lost or incase someone in your crew is out. You definitely want to be that friend who always sparks one and even have extra to share, it’s major stoner brownie points. Want to get fancy? Hemp wicks are the new wave of joint and bowl lighting. Get your hands on some to step up your lighting game.
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3. Grinder & Stash Bag – When carrying around weed, it’s a good idea to have it in a smell proof container, and it’s always handy to have a grinder for joints, bowls & vapes. There are hundreds of different companies to choose from with different styles, shapes, functions, etc.
4. Pipe or papers – Of course, we can’t forget something to smoke with. Now-a-days there are so many different ways to spark up. If you don’t feel like engineering a pipe out of an apple or a water bottle like these guys, you will want to have papers or a pipe on hand.
5. Basic Healthcare Necessities – If you want to be a stoner that always looks, smells good – then there are some basics you should have with you at all times! Eye drops, lip balm, gum, hand sanitizer, hand cream and body spray are all on that list. You want to stay looking, smelling and tasting fresh, especially if going on a date or hanging with non-stoners. There’s obviously nothing wrong with smelling like weed, but sometimes its not always appropriate so keep it fresh!