Here is a list of 6 reasons why you should consider being high whenever you exersise.
1. Increased High – Not only does being high enhance a workout, a workout enhances being high! Blood pumps harder and flows more quickly during a workout, burning stubborn fat cells where THC is stored. As the body burns fat, the THC is released back into our system, leading to an increased high.
A study from the University of Sydney discovered that after a 35-minute workout, performed by a regular cannabis smoker, the THC levels were nearly 15% higher than people who smoke, but don’t exercise.
2. Muscle Recovery – No one likes to sore after a hard workout. We all want those positive endorphins to keep us lifted on a natural high. A cannabis high might help to achieve this goal. Smoking before an exercise routine can help muscles remain loose and relaxed between sets, making it less likely for anything to get pulled or strained.
These strains are what can lead to sore muscles, which often deter people from working. There’s a good chance there will be more working out if muscles aren’t left achy each time.
3. More Efficient Metabolism – Want an extra boost to kick off a workout? Smoking actually increases metabolism, making it even easier to burn those unwanted pounds away. A study released in Men’s Journal shows that THC and cannabinoids not only speed up metabolism, but they also help to lower cholesterol and insulin resistant levels.
4. Increases Performance – We all know cannabis helps to reduce anxiety, but reducing that anxiety increases our natural desire to perform harder and stronger than we would if we felt anxious. The added aggression helps to lengthen workout routines, push limits harder and get results faster. Cannabis really can alleviate those added pressures we all feel, while still helping users to get in shape.
5. Greater Focus – Relaxation is something that comes naturally from smoking cannabis. However, that added relaxation increases focus and attention on any task at hand, whether it be cooking, cleaning or working out. The brain feels calm and relaxed, worry-free, meaning there’s more energy to remain focused on specific activities, like exercising.
6. Dual-Stimulation – Speaking strictly in the way of chemical reactions, cannabis can actually have the same, or similar, effects on the body as exercise. The endocannabinoid system is stimulated in the same way by both activities. Cannabis leaves us relaxed, eases pain, helps to control appetite, influences mood and even regulates memory. These are all results of a well-executed workout, too.
If the reasons above aren’t a good enough reason to get high and before you exersise, I don’t know what are.
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